Tuesday, 17 January 2012


So I'm a little zoned out today after staying up working all yesterday and then doing the 12-8...:20 shift on the wood soda kiln. Tried to hit the sack this morning but with the builders in and people constantly in out out the house I didn't catch any sleep.

I was waiting for the king to get me up for when they started adding the soda but he decided to let me rest instead...yeah that's great but the main part I needed to really learn about was the adding of the soda. Looks like I will be doing another...

The firing went really well, such an easy kiln to get to temperature. We actually had to really slow it down as the temp was climbing like a monkey! I left the kiln at 8:15am and it was at 1227 and climbing. They finished around 12:30 after dropping all the cones and adding the soda.

Special thanks to my firing crew K and Matt...the dream team. Couldn't of done it without you.

So what did the rest of the day shape up to be? Sitting, lying and eating! So tired, the ring it's getting heavy...

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